Saturday 3 March 2012

Ocean Mail Scenic Reserve

The reserve is situated on the North Coast of the island, which was roughly an hours car journey away (mainly due to the gravel roads). It consisted of a white, sandy beached coastline adjacent to swamps and the lagoon at the centre of the island. The beach views were beautiful, with white sand you'd expect to find in the Caribbean and crystal clear, green/blue sea. It was incredibly windy, so most of my photos had to be taken in one direction to avoid being struck by sand in the face and/or hitting the camera lense.

I took another 100 or so photos this afternoon at the reserve. Most of which were of the beach/seaside, and a few of the swamp/lagoon. Although I got some great pictures with stormy skies and interesting sun lit landscapes, I'd love to go back on a calmer/sunnier day before I leave. I imagine it would be quite a different experience and produce completely different pictures. Here are some of my favourite pictures of the area!

This is the first picture I took at the reserve and is 5m walk from where we left the car. I don't think this picture does the view justice, it was beautiful. To my eye, the sea was a brighter green and the sand a brighter white, but you get the jist.

Here you see what I mean by stormy skies, but with the sun highlighting the white sand! This is one of a few pictures I took facing this way, as the wind was blowing right into our faces.

I really like this photo, but not for any particular reason.

This is a Paua shell that I found on the beach and took up to one of the picnic benches for a photo! They are such amazing colours and uniquely different. I hope to bring some home, perhaps in the form of jewellery, for my friends and family.

This is looking back towards the road, on the "Wetland Walk". I took this standing on the boardwalk which guides you through the swampy area.

This last photo is of the water trickling down towards the road. It is stained this perculiar colour from an abundance of peat, which is the same for the whole of the island. You can't see in this picture (or any I took), but certain lights made the peat-stained water look like fluid gold. It was quite bizarre and a shame my camera couldn't capture it.

That was my main adventure for the day, and a place that I hope to visit again before I leave! My next post will probably be more student-nurse orientated, although I hope to get some pictures of the Hospital if I'm allowed. 

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