Saturday 3 March 2012

Exploring Waitangi

As the weather has been awful since I got home yesterday afternoon, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to go out today without getting soaked. I was up reasonably early and waited for the other ladies in the accommodation to get up, to see if they wanted to come out. Although the weather here is known to change over the course of minutes here, I wasn't keen for going out in the rain showers and constant high winds.

The weather seemed to die down a little, so one of the ladies and I decided to walk down to Waitangi Wharf. It only took about 5 minutes to walk down to the cliffs, which was good, as the wind and rain came in fast as soon as we left. I'm not particularly fussy about wind or rain, but neither make for great photos! Here are a few photos of the key places to point out in Waitangi, with the rest still to come another day.

This is Waitangi General Store which is 1 of 2 shops on the island and mimics most corner shops found in the UK. I haven't actually been in yet, although I'm told it is more pricey than Dough 'n' Go (the other grocery shop). The higher prices are apparently due to higher quality produce, but the proof is in the pudding (as they say). Fresh produce only arrives by plane or boat, every couple of days (weather permitting). As I already said, the weather is unreliable so fresh food items are highly sought after, when they do arrive!

This is the ANZ Bank and Post Office. The same building also has a Burger Bar/Fish + Chips Takeaway next door. Another place I haven't actually been in (as it's closed on Sundays), I can't wait to go and have a good look round. I've heard the takeaway joint make a pretty mean hamburger, but it is again (like most places), quite dear.

This is the cloudy view of Waitangi Bay, which I shot standing on the road below the hospital. The view of the whole bay, which extends much further round than can be seen, is shared by the hospital and my kitchen window.

This picture is of the cliffs on one side of Waitangi Bay. The picture captures the sun light on the cliffs, as well as, the stormy skies above.

Possibly one of my favourite pictures so far, not based on spectacular scenary, but pure comedy value. So, where do you go if you have a problem? All you do is follow the sign! First you drink the problem(s) away, failing that, why not try the Church? As a last resort and probably after sustaining alcohol related injuries, you end up at the Hospital.

This is another picture of the cliffs of Waitangi Bay. Take a closer look and you can see an unimpressed/grumpy man's face in the rock!

I hope to explore the rest of Waitangi fairly soon (not that it will take long), with pictures of course! Thanks for reading! 

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